
Request for Proposals: Walksharing App Development

Request for Proposals: Walksharing App Development

We are seeking experienced market parties to propose a plan for the development of a walksharing app (front and back end development). The functionalities of the app are pre-determined by us (together with partners) through research. An overview of the functionalities are as follows (these are subject to change): 

  • Users are able to create accounts 
  • Differentiation of rights for different users (that restrict accessibility/functionalities)
  • Mapping and optimization of walking routes to be shared between users (connection to google maps for example)
  • Responsive requests to users based on registered amount of users for one walk
  • Reviews/ratings of users
  • Allow users to create notes in relation to specific locations (i.e.: unsafe situation within a route)
  • Rewards systems
  • Messaging between users
  • Connection to an e-token

Project Description:

The sCOOL2walk project aims to promote walking as a form of active mobility, leading to positive health effects and a decrease in traffic and pollution in cities. The app will enable children and parents to be matched with each other and walking buddies for shared walks to and from school. This approach will help reduce traffic congestion around schools’ surroundings during drop-off and picking-up times, and improve kids’ safety by increasing visibility and reducing associated risks.

Proposal Requirements:

The proposal should include a detailed plan for the development of the app and a timeline for completion. It should also include a description of the proposed functionalities, hardware requirements, and any relevant experience with similar projects.


The deadline for submitting a proposal is May 26, 2023. We require the chosen market party to start development at the end of May, with the app delivered no later than the end of July 2023.


All proposals and inquiries should be directed to 

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

An open session will be held on May 17 (14:00 – 15:00 CEST) to answer any questions regarding the app’s requirements.

Join with Google Meet or dial: (NL) +31 20 257 4421 PIN: 589250613#


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