Automatic transport is already frequently used as a last-mile connection in addition to public transport, but also has the potential to grow into a fast, flexible and affordable form of shared mobility. The developments in this area are fast and we are in the middle of it. We work together with parties such as HTM, Arriva, Hermes, Connection, NS and other OV companies on a daily basis to include innovation in mobility in their transport system in a timely manner. In addition to the autonomous shuttles, we also integrate fleets of taxi buses and work towards Mobility as a Service in practice.
Autonomous shuttle
Self -driving shuttles or minibuses can be a great solution to provide the last mile connection. They can be seamlessly integrated with other forms of public transport and bring travelers from a bus stop, parking or train station to their actual destination.
With WEPod, we were the first in the Netherlands to implement an self-driving shuttle in 2015. In recent years we have already implemented more than 15 self-driving shuttles in the (semi) public space.
Autonomous ferry
The typical Dutch ferry is inseperable from the Dutch landscape. For years it has been the way to cross waters. However, the end of the ferry as we know it seems to be in sight, as in many places these ferries are not sufficiently in service, dependent on volunteers, and polluting with fossil fuels. This is no longer profitable. An electric, autonomous ferry solves these problems. The ferry is available 24/7, sustainably in use, can sail independently with passengers who start and stop it themselves and can be controlled remotely.