
Great FNS partner event in Amersfoort

On Tuesday, May 14, all Future Network Services 6G partners came together. To get informed about the progress and planning, but also to get an idea of what is happening in the other work packages. 

The Future Network Services, with which we, as equal Future Network, naturally feel at home, strives for an international top position for the Netherlands with regard to 6G. We do this together with other companies, knowledge institutes and the government. Future Mobility is Connected! Vehicles and infrastructure will be better connected which will further accelerate new applications and their value!

The location chosen for this inspiring meeting was the beautiful Mariënhof in Amersfoort. In days gone by a monastery, 30 years ago a home to no less than two Michelin-starred restaurants and today a hotbed for the road to a future-proof network. 

Danny Frietman enthusiastically cranked up the day, after which Peter Rake and Paul Wijngaard named the slow-cooked process and delighted in the fact that we are now really all together. Pieter Nooren and Marcel Geurts then took over with enthusiasm. The first phase of FNS has been approved and will last until June 2026. Then there were very nice pitches of at most two minutes by all the work package leaders, which also helped to determine which work package at the information market to visit next. The day was closed off with interesting presentations by Nokia Bell Labs and Drone Delivery Services.

Immediately after the kickoff we continued with our working group in Houten. Together with Vialis and the municipality of Rotterdam, we will focus on the smart intersection of the future! We are working on wireless detection (JCAS) of vehicles based on 6G and will test the first product developments at Future Mobility Park as soon as they are available.

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