
The latest news, blogs and whitepapers about the future of mobility.



CROW and Connekt new partners of FMP

At the very last minute of 2023, there was another beautiful milestone to celebrate at the Future Mobility Park. CROW and Connekt have  become new partners of the park in order to combine knowledge and forces.
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First teleoperated shared car in the Netherlands

For the first time, a remote-controlled shared car has driven around the Netherlands. In cooperation with the Estonian company Elmo, the car was on display at the Vakbeurs Openbare Ruimte and the Future Mobility Park. The first meters of a revolution in the share car sector in the Netherlands.
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Kick-Off Future (Mobility) Network Services

On Thursday, October 12, we welcomed partners to the official kick-off of the Future Mobility Services 6G project. At the Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre in The Hague, all consortium members met physically for the first time to discuss the plans in more detail and make concrete follow-up agreements for the start of activities. There was also something to celebrate with the final allocation of €61 million for phase 1 of the project.
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The future meets the future

The bright young minds of the future visited the Future Mobility Park. To get an inspirational and guided tour, but also to share their own mobility solutions for Delft.
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One step ‘back’, two steps forward

sCOOL2Walk is a collaborative project organized by EIT Urban Mobility of the Europe an Institute of Innovation and Technology. Darianne de Freitas and Ilse van Zeumeren are involved in this project on behalf of The Future Mobility Network.
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Mobility as the way to change

It is important that together we make the transition to a climate-proof and sustainable society. That is precisely why our newest recruit Martine Leijs advises municipalities on area developments.
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No, not a game American football was played at the Future Mobility Park on May 24th, but for the first time, a drone landed at the park's unique vertiport, the Galileo stop M4H.
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