
Succesful final event Tech4Good project

Last Monday 3 June, the concluding event of the Tech4Good project took place. On behalf of Dutch Automated Mobility (DAM), interested parties and stakeholders were invited to the Rotterdam breeding ground of innovative mobility, Future Mobility Park. The responsible delivery robot Pudu and the very realistic guiding robot dog Floyd added colour to the event.

The event concluded a process in which we investigated what kind of social value delivery robots can offer for a care group institution (expertise centre Slingedael), research was conducted on this for both indoor and outdoor cases on public roads. To what extent can the delivery robot alleviate care and stimulate residents’ self-reliance? You can read about the research and findings in detail here and here.

Lucien Linders opened the afternoon with a comprehensive tour of Future Mobility Park. This gave attendees a good warm-up to the innovations Coding the Curbs, Hardt Hyperloop and Macrostep’s vending machine, among others. Inspiring, smoothly flowing presentations by Robert Boshouwers, Ilse van Zeumeren, Tim Winnemuller and Tim Klein set out DAM’s vision and deepening research. Sharmila Munshi and Patrick Rijkers then gave a broader insight into the capabilities of robots from supplier Fulin.

With a demonstration of delivery robot Pudu and subsequent drinks, the day ended pleasantly. We hope to follow up the study soon! Take a look at the photos below for a small impression of the afternoon.

Do you want to know more? Read our other news articles here

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